Do you really know what's holding your team back from optimal performance?
Starpath helps you identify core issues and underlying barriers, and then integrate behaviors necessary for team cohesion.
We work with teams who are tightly integrated and rely on each other to achieve results.
Proven assessments. Immersive workshops. Team performance metrics.
Discover insights leading to better communication and teamwork.
Turn "Aha!" moments into results.
Starpath helps teams work together better.
“It was such an amazing couple of days. We learned so much about each other and it’s exciting to think this is just the tip of the iceberg.”
"Self-reflection can be hard, but it is essential to improvement. Thanks for guiding us!"
"You really helped me to trust my natural instincts and when I was stuck on something, your guidance was invaluable."
Each of the following starts with a proven assessment, powered by years of research and backed by Wiley.
Everything DiSC® on Catalyst - interactive platform allows teammates to see and compare to colleagues' styles and develop social and emotional skills.
The Five Behaviors® - measures how the team is performing in five areas: Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results. The assessment guides the team in developing an action plan to improve areas of challenge. Progress assessments provide metrics that show how the team's performance has changed over time.
Anchored in DiSC® and Five Behaviors® concepts and incorporating group activities, workshops are interactive, building on the collective input and shared perspectives of the group. Virtual and in-person options are customized for your group.
Everything DiSC® on Catalyst - receive personalized insights into your natural communication style. Grow skills to communicate effectively, navigate conflict, and improve relationships.
Agile EQ - learn about your emotional intelligence mindsets, and develop the agility to read the emotional and interpersonal needs of a situation and respond accordingly.
DiSC® Management - successfully engage, motivate and develop your people.
Productive Conflict - transform destructive behavior into productive responses.
Work of Leaders - create impactful leaders through the process of Vision, Alignment, and Execution.
The Five Behaviors® - deepen your understanding of yourself, your work style, and learn the key behaviors of effective teamwork.
communication strategies
leadership coaching
improved relationships
expert management support
HR membership
culture assessments
do-it-yourself HR courses